All About Astrology

All About Astrology

Discover the Light of Genuine Astrology

In India, Astrology is also known as Jyotish which is a combination of two Sanskrit terms, Jyoti which means “Light” and Isha meaning “Lord” or “God.”

Hence, Jyotish means “Lord of Light,” concerning the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and the Planets of our Solar System. It is a scientific approach to the Study of heavenly lights and their effects on Human life. Jyotish helps us achieve the 4 main goals of life; Dharma (Religious Merit), Artha (Wealth), Kama (Pleasure or Desire), and finally Moksha (Liberation from the cycle of Birth, Death, and Re-birth).

The intrinsic power of Astrology is not limited to finding solutions for immediate life problems. It has a higher purpose of guiding us to attain our life’s goals and our ultimate purpose. Amidst today’s intense and demanding lifestyle, Astrology can truly be the light and hope that we all need in our lives.

For millions across India and the rest of the world, Astrology in its different forms, plays an important role. The most popular forms of Astrology are Vedic Astrology, Nadi Shastra, Palmistry, KP, Numerology, Lal Kitab, Vaastu Shastra, Tarot Cards, Western Astrology, and the Lo Shu Grid.

Astrologers who specialize in one or multiple forms of Astrology, guide clients on their queries about Love & Romance, Career, Health, Finance, etc. Let us delve slightly deeper into some of the aforementioned types of Astrology to understand them thoroughly.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology, known as the Jyotish Shastra, is the domain of Astrology which has its origins in the Hindu religion and culture. It is deeply connected to the study of the Vedas (the Hindu religious texts). Vedic Astrology revolves around the 9 planets or Grahas namely, Surya (Sun), Chandrama (Moon), Mangal (Mars), Budh (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu and Ketu (Shadow Planets). Furthermore, the 27 Nakshatras i.e. Constellations also play a crucial role in the science of Vedic Astrology. The 27 Nakshatras are; Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishaka, Anurada, Jyeshta, Mula, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Shravana, Dhanishta, Shatabhishak, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati.

The 9 planets can indicate important details of our lives like Marriage, Career and Profession, Health, and Finance in an extremely detailed manner. As per Vedic Astrology or Jyotish Shastra, we can take major decisions in our lives based on the position of our birth planets. It can help us achieve our aspirations and overcome difficulties at the same time. The accuracy of Vedic Astrology is one of its major positive sides which attracts millions to seek the guidance of genuine Vedic Astrologers.

Nadi Shastra

As per popular opinion, this form of Astrology originated in Southern India, especially in the state of Tamil Nadu. The well-known Hindu sage, Agastya is said to be the main intellectual behind Nadi Astrology. There are 150 Nadis in a Sign or Rashi wherein, one Sign is 30° of the Zodiac 360°. The 12 Signs of the Zodiac are grouped into three main segments namely, Chara (Moveable), Sthira (Fixed) and Dvisvabhava (Dual) Signs. The terminology of the 150 Nadis is unique to each of these 3 types of signs. Therefore, there are a total of 1800 Nadis in the complete 360°. The numbers and the names of Nadis are identical among all 4 Chara signs. Among the four Sthira signs, the numbers and names of Nadis are identical but the numbering differs from those in Chara and Dvisvabhava signs. Similarly, the numbering of Nadis in all four Dvisvabhava signs is identical among themselves but different from Chara or Sthira signs. For instance, the 1st Nadi in Chara signs, for example, Aries is Vasudha Nadi, but in Sthira signs, the order is reversed and Vasudha is the 150th Nadi. In Dvisvabhava signs such as Gemini, Vasudha is the 76th Nadi i.e. halfway to 150. Thus, there are 450 distinctive names and numbers in the full Zodiac. Nadi texts use this concept of Nadi as the basic unit for predictions. When predictions are based on the Nadis in which the ascendants and the planets are placed, it suggests that the prediction is the product of the combined results of all sixteen divisional charts. Hence, Nadi Astrology is considered to be a detailed and accurate method but it requires highly precise birth time. It also requires knowledge of genuine Nadi texts, most of which are unpublished and unfortunately, the custodians do not allow others to see the manuscripts.


Palmistry is the practice of fortune-telling by studying the lines in the palm of our hands. Also known as Palm Reading, Chiromancy or Chirology, this practice is found worldwide in different cultures. In India, Palmistry is also known as Hasta Samudrika (hand-reading) with a few supplemental domains like Kapal Samudrika (aura reading) and Mukh Samudrika (Face Reading). Through Palmistry in the Indian tradition, anyone can know inner truths about their own character and their lives by the lines on their palms. It is also considered that each planet of the solar system is represented in different sections of our palms. Some of the major lines considered for a Palmistry reading are the Life Line, Heart Line, Mind Line, Fate Line, Marriage Line and Sun Line.

In palmistry which hand is to be read is based on two main factors. For Women, usually the left palm and for Men, the right palm is considered. Secondly, the dominant hand used for most activities is favoured for analysis purposes.


Numerology can be defined as the connection between numbers, which are derived from our birth charts, and major events in our lives. Based on different numerological connections, the Life Path number or the Destiny number can be calculated. To find our destiny number we add all the elements of our date of birth, i.e., the date, the month and year. The resulting number has powerful inner messages about our personality traits, character etc. Numbers are an essential part of our lives as everything in our lives is numbered, house, car, passport, bank account, phone number and so on. Hence, aligning with the right numbers which are lucky for an individual, as per numerology calculations can help achieve their goals.

Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards are paper cards that come in a deck like playing cards, and are used to make predictions about future events. The origins of the Tarot cards date back to the 1400s in Italy. A set of 78 cards are there, forming 2 different decks — Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The Tarot Reader shuffles the cards and then lays them out in a Tarot Card spread. Understanding what each Tarot card means when it is revealed, can help a person receive an important message or prepare for an upcoming event.

The cards of the Major Arcana have pictures representing various forces, characters, virtues, and vices. The 22 cards are numbered I through XXI, with “The Fool” card being unnumbered. The list of Major Arcana Cards is as follows:

The 56 cards of the Minor Arcana are divided into 4 suits of 14 cards each:





Ace of Wands

Ace of Cups

Ace of Swords

Ace of Pentacles

Two of Wands

Two of Cups

Two of Swords

Two of Pentacles

Three of Wands

Three of Cups

Three of Swords

Three of Pentacles

Four of Wands

Four of Cups

Four of Swords

Four of Pentacles

Five of Wands

Five of Cups

Five of Swords

Five of Pentacles

Six of Wands

Six of Cups

Six of Swords

Six of Pentacles

Seven of Wands

Seven of Cups

Seven of Swords

Seven of Pentacles

Eight of Wands

Eight of Cups

Eight of Swords

Eight of Pentacles

Nine of Wands

Nine of Cups

Nine of Swords

Nine of Pentacles

Ten of Wands

Ten of Cups

Ten of Swords

Ten of Pentacles

Page of Wands

Page of Cups

Page of Swords

Page of Pentacles

Knight of Wands

Knight of Cups

Knight of Swords

Knight of Pentacles

Queen of Wands

Queen of Cups

Queen of Swords

Queen of Pentacles

King of Wands

King of Cups

King of Swords

King of Pentacles

The cards of the Major Arcana refer to spiritual matters and important trends in the questioner’s life. In the Minor Arcana cards deal mainly with business matters, career ambitions, cups with love, swords with conflict, and coins with money and material comfort.

Tarot cards are ideal for singular questions predicting the outcome of any future event. For example; “Should I move to a new city for a job?”, “Will my new relationship work out?”, “Should I buy a house this year?”, etc. In recent times, Tarot card reading has become extremely popular, especially among the GenZ.

Lal Kitab

Lal Kitab is a set of 5 books about Vedic Astrology and Palmistry, written in Hindi and translated later into Urdu. Lal means ‘Red’ and Kitab means ‘Book’ in English. Therefore, Lal Kitab is a set of Red Books. The uniqueness of Lal Kitab lies in the fact that it shows a connection between the Planetary movements as known in Vedic Astrology and lines in our palms i.e., Palmistry. Lal Kitab is known for providing simple yet effective remedies to overcome any problems caused by planetary movements. The remedies suggested in the Lal Kitab generally do not involve any rituals or gemstones, hence, they are easy to implement. In recent times, these remedies are gaining popularity in the Indian subcontinent, with many followers regularly consulting Lal Kitab expert Astrologers.

Lo Shu Grid

Lo Shu Grid also known as Chinese Numerology, a type of Astrology wherein numbers 1 to 9 are placed in the 3 rows and 3 columns of a grid. These numbers are arranged in such a way that by adding any three of the numbers: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, the sum of the three numbers equals 15.

Number 1 – Water Element Number 2.5 and 8 – Earth Element

Number 3 and 4 – Wood Element Number 6 and 7 – Metal Element

Number 9 – Fire Element

In conclusion…

Genuine Astrology as available in AstroKun can play an important role in helping everyone overcome life’s problems and fulfil our aspirations. Many of the different Astrology domains we have discussed above provide holistic guidance on different types of events like Love and Relationships, Career, Finance, Health and much more. Each individual needs to seek the guidance of genuine astrologers at the right time and regularly. AstroKun offers free online astrologers to new customers to try for free. Customers can also check the Free online horoscope section with daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly horoscope as Free. The Astrologers you can consult on AstroKun practice Genuine Astrology with the intention of making a positive difference in your life.

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